A certified hood classic. Minecraft parodies have their place in the echelons of art, but this parody of those parodies perfectly counteracts the nauseating glut of parody content for the game on the Internet. To say it's "of its time" grossly miscategorizes its effectiveness: this video is definitely (and unabashedly) a reaction to the previously aforementioned nauseating glut of Minecraft parodies, but its tempered use of extreme violence and disturbing situations to hammer a point across about the commoditization and "kidification" of Minecraft on websites like YouTube still rings heavy to this very day. It's a timeless Newgrounds (and in general) way of saying, "Don't section people up into groups for the sake of profit. We're individuals with wide varieties of taste. Stop treating us like children.".
Maybe that's too deep a dive into a Minecraft parody parody... but I don't think it is. After all, a review should look at a piece of art critically, try to understand what it's trying to say (whether it's trying to say anything at all or not), and judge if what it's doing is as effective as what it's trying to be.
To cut back on waxing poetic about the animation's legacy, the final product is just as impressive! It looks pleasantly clean, there's a lot of attention-to-detail put in the comedic timing of the animation itself, the voice actor says his lines with impeccable cadence and endless replayability value (seriously, I remember having these lines stuck in my head FOREVER), the music and sound effects are well-done, well-timed and familiar without overpowering the animation itself or being insulting musically or physically... uh, did I miss anything?
In short: this animation was grotesquely hilarious when I first watched it years ago, and it's just as fresh and poignant today. Excellent work, all!