Immediately, I noticed that some of the lip-sync is EXTREMELY off, to the point where it was very distracting.
Speaking of voices, I can't make out a good chunk of the lines without multiple listens, and while that's only PARTLY because of the sloppy lip-sync, the main problem lies with the voice audio itself. Seriously, how many MILES away was your mouth from the microphone? Protip: you're not supposed to eat the damn thing, but you're not supposed to go 100 feet from it and WHISPER your lines, either.
Despite these crippling problems the movie has, it's still not without its funny moments: Girlfriend growing her boombox, Boyfriend realizing he's in over his head with the Spooky kids, Skelly kid dancin'... and others... were funkin' hilarious. Also, it looked nice. REALLY nice, even! Unfortunately, despite all these little charms, it's still a case of style over substance, biting off more than you can chew, etc.
In other words, it's better to slow your roll and plan the general outline of your movie firsthand, rather than just having a rough idea and adding a plethora of random stuff in it later, thinking that'll make it "better". While stuff like that makes it more interesting, it doesn't really make the final product any less hollow, and therein lies the main problem with your movie.